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JM MyOffers

JM MyOffers 1.08

(0 رای)

Imagine that you are an owner of successful classified ads website that people love because of its flexibility and user-friendly interface. Yes, you may build classified ads website with this next awesome monster template for Joomla. 

MyOffers Joomla template uses the best classifieds Joomla extension - dj classifieds that is the perfect classifieds script for building classified advertisements website. DJ Classifieds Joomla classifieds extension is included in the template's price for free!

MyOffers classifieds template is addressed to everybody who wants to create a website like offerup.com with a lazy loading feature for masonry grid with classified adverts (AJAX plugin used & also included for free).

نمایش ها 8,949 دانلودها 53
نسخه: 1.08 ايجاد شده
سيستم Joomla 3 به روز رسانی در 1399-12-21
وب سايت صفحه نخست external توسعه دهنده JoomlaMonster external
مجوز GNU/GPL external قيمت 5 EUR

Mobile friendly Joomla template

It's 100% responsive & mobile friendly Joomla template. This Joomla classified ads template is tested for mobile devices and adjusted to all screen views to allow users browse classified ads easily. Classifieds themes are fully responsive which makes them user-friendly for using on phones or tablets.

Full classified ads management tools

It's easy to use & flexible classified ads Joomla extension - DJ Classifieds provides the full control over all the adverts settings. Besides the classifieds builder features like unlimited extra fields, categories, Google Maps integration, advertiser or user panel options use multifunctional modules to encourage website visitors browsing ads.

SEO friendly classifieds software

It's classifieds software in SEO standards. Use best practice of Search Engine Optimization options by customizing and adjusting links structure for ads items and categories. Save your time by optimizing listings automatically without technical knowledge.

Flexibility in creating search criteria

Classifieds search must be functional, user-oriented and practical. Thanks to the flexibility of creating the searching criteria you may give your site visitors looking for adverts comfortably and get the most accurate results.

Product specification

There are no limitations to create product specification. Thanks to custom fields you may create an unlimited amount of custom fields for each business or products category using different type formats.

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