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Magic Scroller for Virtuemart

Magic Scroller for Virtuemart 2.5

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Magic (Infinite) Scroller for virtuemart let you to load products from ajax when you scroll down the page. The plugin is extremely flexible and can adapt to any virtuemart and joomla theme without modifying your existing template.Magic Scroll also known as Infinite scrolling,lazy loading, endless scrolling, autopager, endless pages, etc.

نمایش ها 3,831 دانلودها 15
نسخه: 2.5 ايجاد شده
سيستم Joomla 3 به روز رسانی در 1399-09-26
وب سايت صفحه نخست external توسعه دهنده Kishore Web Labs external
مجوز GNU/GPL external قيمت 30 € EUR

Full Features List

  1. Allow you to configure Content loading on Auto/Manual Mode
  2. Allow you to configure No of pages to be loaded
  3. Allow you to set Loading text which shows on the screen when an Ajax request is in progress. You can enter any html content e.g. a loader image or text both can be added.
  4. Allow you to configure pagination element
  5. Allow you to add page no or page header or page separator between loaded pages
  6. Allow you configure Next Button html, which shows on manual Mode or on when auto loading pages limit has been reached
  7. Allow you to configure Next button page Limit
  8. Compatible with all latest versions of Virtuemart 3.8
magic-scroller-for-virtuemart-basic2 magic-scroller-for-virtuemart-header3 magic-scroller-for-virtuemart-loader4 magic-scroller-for-virtuemart-next5
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