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JV-PostMaster 3.7.1

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شبکه های اجتماعی نقش مهمی در معرفی یک شرکت یا موسسه در دنیای مجازی و اینترنت دارند. همچنین ارسال مداوم مطالب یک سایت به شبکه های اجتماعی موجب گرفتن امتیازهایی از قبیل بک لینک و بازدید بیشتر از طرف شبکه های اجتماعی می شود که همزمان موجب توجه بیشتر موتورهای جستجو از قبیل گوگل و در نتیجه بالا رفتن ارزش و رتبه و بازدید سایت می شود.اما اگر سایتی داشته باشید که هر روز چند مطلب جدید در آن ریخته شود .ارسال همه آن ها به چند شبکه اجتماعی کاری وقت گیر خواهد بود و ممکن است نیاز به یک کارمند جدید پیدا کنید. با اینکه تابحال چندین افزونه ارسال خودکار مطالب به سایت معرفی کردیم اما  افزونه JV-PostMaster را هم باید به این لیست اضافه کنیم چرا که مقداری متفاوت است. این افزونه علاوه بر ارسال خودکار مطالب به توئیتر و فیسبوک و لینکدین به کامپوننت های داخلی جوملا مثل ایزی سوشیال و جومسوشیال هم به صورت خودکار مطالب را ارسال می کنند و در واقع این دو کامپوننت هم جزو شبکه های اجتماعی محسوب کرده که برای کسانی که از این دو افزونه برای شبکه اجتماعی خود استفاده می کنند بسیار کاربردی می باشد.

نمایش ها 5,526 دانلودها 12
نسخه: 3.7.1 ايجاد شده
سيستم Joomla 3 به روز رسانی در 1398-08-29
وب سايت صفحه نخست external توسعه دهنده JV-Extensions external
مجوز GNU/GPL external قيمت 35 $ EUR

You can define your own message for tweeting/posting. Article title, section name, category name, author name, article link, article meta description and article description are available as pre-defined tags for your custom message! Use the unique feature of Delayed Posting to save an article and delay its posting to provider accounts!. You can now go and make edits to the saved articles in this duration and ensure that the latest article edits are posted to provider accounts!.

Post to Twitter:
Post to multiple twitter accounts when articles are saved. You may post instantly and manually or schedule a tweet, when article is saved or created in Joomla.

Post to Facebook:
Add and post to multiple Facebook accounts! - pages walls, group walls and profile walls at the same time, post the first picture of the article in native Facebook format!, post articles after they are published when the start publishing date is set in the future, select between long and short urls for article link in Facebook status message.

Post to LinkedIn:
Post to multiple LinkedIn accounts and company pages when articles are saved. You may post instantly and manually or schedule a tweet, when article is saved or created in Joomla.

Post to Tumblr:
JV-PostMaster empowers you to create posts in your Tumblr blogs as you create or modify articles or manually. You can post a link, description with title as a text post, or an image as image post too, all from with in your own Joomla website.

Post to JomSocial:
Post to your JomSocial activity stream, Post the first picture of the article in native format! and Post articles after they are published when the start publishing date is set in the future.

Post to EasySocial:
Post to your EasySocial activity stream, Post the first picture of the article in native format! and Post articles after they are published when the start publishing date is set in the future.

Auto Posting Rules
Define clear rules about what to post, where to post to, with a high level of granularity using auto posting rules!

Manual Posting:
With JV-PostMaster you can post manually to Twitter, Tumblr, JomSocial and Facebook using site backend for Joomla articles, EasyBlog posts, K2 items and JV-LinkDirectory links.

Scheduled Manual Posting
This feature in 3.2 version now lets you set a date and time for posting to social media accounts when done manually using the Manual Posting menu at backend.

Notify Search Engines of New Content:
Send a ping to web services and notify them automatically, when articles are saved. Pinging can be done when articles are saved in frontend or backend

Display Twitter Tweets in Joomla!:
Display latest tweets (only your tweets or even your friends tweets) from your Twitter accounts in Joomla module

Display Facebook Posts in Joomla!:
Display latest updates from your Facebook profile wall or page wall in Joomla module. Display the number of comments, likes and include links for visitors to like and comment on posts.

3PD Extensions Integration:
JV-PostMaster can post links and items to Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, LinkedIn, EasySocial, JomSocial and Ping Services, when they are created in the following extensions:

  • EasyBlog 5
  • K2
  • Joomla Core Articles.

Works with Automatic Articles Creation Extensions
JV-PostMaster can listen to database updates made by automatic article creation extensions like Zt-AutoContent, RSS Feed grabber extensions and post them automatically to your social media accounts.

Special Features:

  1. Jobs Log Manager
  2. Delayed Posting
  3. Scheduled Manual Posting
  4. URL Shortening
  5. Retry of failed messages for posting

And it is really simple and easy to configure and start posting with JV-PostMaster.

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