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RND Kascetic

RND Kascetic 2.1.3

(0 رای)

The Kascetic template for Kunena was designed with two words in mind – efficiency and simplicity. It is very strict, minimalistic and professional looking template that will look nice on a website of a website for business or any other resource that is going for strict, business look.

نمایش ها 4,503 دانلودها 7
نسخه: 2.1.3 ايجاد شده
سيستم Joomla 2.5 & 3 به روز رسانی در 1398-06-19
وب سايت صفحه نخست external توسعه دهنده RoundTheme external
مجوز GNU/GPL external قيمت 15 € EUR

The green/white/grey color scheme creates very comfortable, yet not homey environment, which reminds forum users that they are not here to relax, but to discuss really important matters. A complete set of thread icons adds to this feeling and makes navigation around this template nice and easy.

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