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Youtube Feed Pro

Youtube Feed Pro 5.6.4

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Joomla Youtube a responsive Joomla module to help embed a youtube from multiple source, such as: Playlist(s), Channel(s), Video(s) and Queries. Fully responsive design so Youtube player looks great on all devices (Very smooth for touch devices - Try demo). Support almost event(s), APIs of Youtube and easy to custom Youtube Player (toggle: Controller bar, Youtube brand, Quality default, ...etc). Special for single or intro video. Check-in demo site (http://demo.jlexart.com/demo.php?alias=youtube-feed-pro) to see how Youtube feed pro works. joomla youtube module, youtube gallery module, youtube module, youtube channel module joomla, youtube playlist

نمایش ها 6,489 دانلودها 31
نسخه: 5.6.4 ايجاد شده
سيستم Joomla 3 & 4 به روز رسانی در 1403-01-31
وب سايت صفحه نخست external توسعه دهنده JLexArt external
مجوز GNU/GPL external قيمت 35 $ EUR


  • MULTIPLE SOURCE: Playlist, Channel, Query or special videos. In addition, you can use together these sources.
  • 3 THEMES: Including 3 theme to compatible with almost website. There are Vertical, Horizontal and Grid style.
  • CUSTOMIZING PLAYER: Toggle properties of player such as Relative, Video quality, Next or Loop, Youtube branding, Annotation, Control...etc
  • VIDEO PROPERTIES : Support almost type & status of video. Completed, Live or Upcomming , 360 Video are ready.
  • FULLY RESPONSIVE: The module suitable to work on every device and every screen size, no matter how large or small, mobile or desktop.
  • CUSTOM VIDEO BACKGROUND - CREATE POPUP: Easy to replace video background by image or HTML code, play button will be integrated in new background. In addition, you can make a popup window by using this module.
  • MAKE VIDEO AS BACKGROUND: Just insert your text, shadows, images, titles and even modules (any module) and style right on the video section as an overlay.
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