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JoomElection 1.1.0

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JoomElection is a Joomla Extension and intended for the organization of elections in small and large scale. It can be used to manage online election in association’s administrative offices, academic delegate’s elections, or any other similar institution.

The basic concepts are the same as in a traditional election electronic voting. All information necessary for elections organization are recorded via the component administration, this interface is accessible only accessible by the organizer of the elections.

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نسخه: 1.1.0 ايجاد شده
سيستم Joomla 3 به روز رسانی در 1400-03-09
وب سايت صفحه نخست external توسعه دهنده JoomBoost external
مجوز GNU/GPL external قيمت 49 $ EUR

Main Features:

  • Manage elections on individual candidates or lists.
  • Record information’s about candidates or lists.
  • Assign candidates to the lists, set the date and time of opening and closing of the votes.
  • Collect information on voters (each voter is identified by a user name, e-mail address and password).
  • An import tool of voters list from a csv file is available with the possibility to automatically generate passwords. The voter will receive a password by e-mail.
  • Each voter can vote from the front part of the site once after identification.
  • Showing results Elections percentage for each list or for each candidate
joomelection-backend-dashboard2 joomelection-backend-add-edit-candidate3 joomelection-backend-add-edit-election4 joomelection-backend-add-edit-voter5 joomelection-frontend-single-election6 joomelection-backend-voters-manager7 joomelection-backend-elections-manager8 joomelection-backend-election-result9
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