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Advanced Content Protector

Advanced Content Protector 1.5.6

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این افزونه توانایی قفل کردن راست کلیک - قفل کردن کلیدهای ترکیبی - نمایش پیغام در صورت کلیک کاربر روی دکمه Print Screenو حتی غیرفعال کردن امکان Drag and Drop  برای جلوگیری از کپی عکس ها را در سایت شما دارد و با این روش ها به راحتی از کپی مطالب سایت شما جلوگیری می کند.

نمایش ها 10,125 دانلودها 20
نسخه: 1.5.6 ايجاد شده
سيستم Joomla 2.5 & 3 به روز رسانی در 1398-12-21
وب سايت صفحه نخست external توسعه دهنده YK Lim external
مجوز GNU/GPL external قيمت 20 $ EUR

Although yKhoon Content Protector Basic Edition and the Advanced Edition offer similar functionality, the Advanced Edition provides more functionality and control than the Basic Edition. For example, the Print Protection functionality of the Advanced Edition will prevent the visitor to print the content of the web site. The visitor will get blank page instead of the content of the web site. The Advanced Edition also has a functionality to prevent the visitor to use the Browser Copy function to copy the content of the web site.


  1. Compatible with PHP 7.

Main Features:

  1. Block the saved web page from opening in localdisk and different domain.
  2. Disable mouse right click, word/text selection/highlighting and control key combination (e.g. ctrl + c, ctrl + v, etc).
  3. Give immunity to certain user.
  4. Protect the article of your choice.
  5. Super Administrator or Super Users is immune to all functionality of this extension.
  6. Joomla! Administration (back-end) is not affected by the functionality of this extension.
  7. Compatible with AJAX enable website.
  8. Two fail-safe system for ensuring maximum protection for your site.
  9. Determine which control key combination to be disabled.
  10. Support Joomla SEF URLs.
  11. Show pop-up error message when a restricted function is used.
  12. Change the pop-up error message to suit your web site.
  13. Able to use symbols such ' and in error message.
  14. Compatible with Community Builder.
  15. Support Integrated Product Update System for checking and download latest version of the product.
  16. No restriction for the Author when the Author browsing its article. (Advanced Edition only)
  17. No restriction inside the editor. (Advanced Edition only)
  18. Able to disable the copy paste and word selection functionality for an article on Author request. (Advanced Edition only)
  19. Able to disable the browser copy function. (Advanced Edition only)
  20. Able to give immunity to certain user group such as author or editor. (Advanced Edition only)
  21. Added Print Protection. (Credit to Joe from Thailand) (Advanced Edition only)
  22. Able to protect the article based on components and category ID. (Advanced Edition only)
  23. Able to disable browser drag functionality. (Advanced Edition only)
  24. Able to allow or forbid the content sharing on Social Network. (Advanced Edition only)
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4 years ago
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