
ثبت نام

Phone Validator Shopper Fields for VirtueMart

Phone Validator Shopper Fields for VirtueMart 1.0.0

(0 رای)

User friendly Phone Validator shopper fields plugins to make the registration process faster, and preventing errors.

نمایش ها 6,324 دانلودها 10
نسخه: 1.0.0 ايجاد شده
سيستم Joomla 3 به روز رسانی در 1402-12-14
وب سايت صفحه نخست external توسعه دهنده alatak.net external
مجوز GNU/GPL external قيمت 59 € EUR

Phone Validator shopper plugin for VirtueMart

  • A friendly interface to enter the phone number preventing the client from entering invalid characters
  • All countries are shown as a drop list with the flags,
  • Relevant placeholder with a suggestion of phone numbers
  • Auto formatting the phone number as the client type
  • Selecting a country from the dropdown will update the dial code in the input
  • Extract the standardized (E.164) international number or the national number
  • For fixed or mobile phones
  • Multilingual: countries names are language dependant
  • Based on Google's libphonenumber

The installation script automatically installs the plugin from the original phone fields created by VirtueMart during installation. No data is lost !

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