
ثبت نام

Resca Pro

Making stunning Restaurant website powered by Joomla

1. Attractive

Restaurant's Menu

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn't anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text.

2. Professional

Restaurant Reservation

Your customers are easily to book a table for their dinners with online table reservertion form. There are two types of online reservation forms: one with OpenTable, other with Online Booking.

One page site option

If you need a simple one-page presentation, simply use the theme’s one-page site option.

One-click installer

We have built a Demo Content Importer directly inside the Theme.

Unlimites color & skins

You can change the layout, colors and style, and customize your.


Resca Theme has been developed by the latest web technology on earth.


Resca has been built with SEO in mind. The way it allows search engines.

One page site option

If you need a simple one-page presentation, simply use the theme’s one-page site option.

فقط کاربران عضو سایت پس از ورود به سایت قادر به دانلود این فایل می باشند.


4 years ago
سلام لطفا آپدیت این قالب رو قرار بدید خیلی لازم دارم
در سایت سازنده آپدیت شده

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4 years ago
سلام. این قالب نسخه آخر هست. متاسفانه سایت سازنده آن از دسترس خارج شده و دیگر کار نمی کند.
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