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Sabber 1.24.1

(0 رای)

Sabber is a stunning, clean and fresh Joomla templates. This templates easily fits for any kind of website demographics. Aside from just looking beautifully polished and clean, it comes packed with features and options, powerful T3 Framework, a Revolution Slider, easily configured various modules positions, and a lot other best and selected extensions . Sabber is a responsive templates and optimized for tablet and any others mobile screen.

نمایش ها 3,042 دانلودها 2
نسخه: 1.24.1 ايجاد شده
سيستم Joomla 3 به روز رسانی در 1397-01-07
وب سايت صفحه نخست external توسعه دهنده TemplatePlazza external
مجوز GNU/GPL external قيمت 5 EUR

Full Features

  • Responsive designs : which is not only looked good and nice on all browsers and devices but also works great to smaller screen
  • Bootstrap Integrated : Integrated in full features and components from Bootstrap to standardize your grid, typography, and modules with less efforts.
  • Powerfull Template Framework (T3) built with Bootstrap & LESS: this templates is built in under T3 framework with LESS CSS that making CSS development more powerfull and intuitive.
  • Multiple Themes : you can switch theme easily. You can created unlimited themes and customize them as you expect.
  • ThemeMagic : T3 Framework is powerful by its easy customization with ThemeMagic. You can allow many parameters to be configured in the ThemeMagic.
  • Fully Compatible with joomla 3.6
  • Fully Support a powerful K2 Component.
  • MegaMenu : This is the best feature in T3 which has a powerful Menu system - Mega menu
  • Amazing Homepage Slider Option
  • Various modules Positions
  • Quickstart included, so you can setup clone of the demo site in minutes
  • Easy configured Layout : With multiple layouts supports you surely could display your content flexibly.
  • Cross Browser Support
  • Option to enable CSS compression
  • All Installed Extensions (Components, Modules, Plugin) Included
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