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SIMAnswers 6.0.5

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SIMAnswers is the complete Questions and Answers solution for Joomla. In fact, imagine Yahoo Answers for Joomla, but on steroids! SIMAnswers works in exactly the same way as Yahoo Answers, with a ton of extra features!

نمایش ها 5,776 دانلودها 9
نسخه: 6.0.5 ايجاد شده
سيستم Joomla 3 به روز رسانی در 1397-10-11
وب سايت صفحه نخست external توسعه دهنده SIMBunch external
مجوز GNU/GPL external قيمت 24.99 $ EUR

Looking for beautifully designed, Bootstrap enabled, fully responsive, feature packed extension? Search no more! With its robust features, not only can SIMAnswers be used as a Q&A solution, it can also be used as a forum or even a support ticket system, like here on SIMBunch. It is for this reason that we develop SIMAnswers - to be the best, most interactive and configurable Q&A and forum system for Joomla!

  • HTML5, Bootstrap, responsive design
  • Fully supports Bootstrap 2 and 3
  • Well thought-out and designed user interface and streamlined user processes
  • Create various types of CUSTOM FIELDS for questions and/or answers (file uploads, checkboxes, textboxes, radios, select boxes etc)
  • HIGHLY CONFIGURABLE categories/subcategories. Set specific user groups to ask questions/answer questions/view answers/manager each individual category
  • Use as a Q&A solution, a Forum, or a Support Ticket system
  • Comprehensive POINTS and LEVELS system to engage and reward your users to participate
  • Integrated ONLINE SHOP to sell points, which lets your users upgrade to higher levels with more access
  • Users can report content (questions, answers, comments), while Managers can moderate content on the frontend
  • Comment and rate answers
  • Comprehensive user dashboard and preferences
  • Resolve a question by selecting a Best Answer
  • High customizable rich HTML notification emails
  • Smart Search that displays the most relevant results
  • Integrates with JomSocial, EasySocial, and Community Builder
  • Plugin system with multiple triggers to integrate with other extensions easily
  • more..
  • more....
  • MORE!!

This is literally less than 10% of the full features list - there is just TOO MUCH to list!! Please check the Documentation for full features description, or better yet go straight to the live demo!

simanswers-admin-fields-list2 simanswers-admin-violations3 simanswers-answer-reported4 simanswers-ask5 simanswers-comment6 simanswers-dashboard7 simanswers-question8 simanswers-shop-plans9
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