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EasyPay (Stripe)

EasyPay (Stripe) 1.1.0

(0 رای)

Stripe EasyPay for Joomla is an extension that allows you to add a credit card payment form on any page of your Joomla site using the Stripe payment service.

نمایش ها 5,978 دانلودها 6
نسخه: 1.1.0 ايجاد شده
سيستم Joomla 3 به روز رسانی در 1402-09-28
توسعه دهنده Ping Enterprises LLC external
مجوز GNU/GPL external قيمت 19 $ EUR

Unlike other Stripe extensions for Joomla, Stripe EasyPay allows the payer to specify the amount that will be charged making it ideal for professional services companies that don't have fixed invoice amounts each month. The extension includes two layouts, one which is compatible with the default Joomla Bootstrap version (2.x) and a second Bootstrap 3-friendly layout.

easypay-stripe-alternative-layouts2 easypay-stripe-bootstrap3-module3 easypay-stripe-parameters4 easypay-stripe-settings5
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