
ثبت نام

My Content & Workflow

My Content & Workflow 4.0.9

(0 رای)

My Content & Workflow enhances your standard content in Joomla! with full features for content management. You can edit, publish, unpublish or approve your content status. The power to control your content from frontend is in your hand.

نمایش ها 5,773 دانلودها 15
نسخه: 4.0.9 ايجاد شده
سيستم Joomla 3 به روز رسانی در 1402-10-04
توسعه دهنده CMSPlugin Dev
مجوز GNU/GPL external قيمت 79 $ EUR


  • Full features frontend content submission form of com_content
  • Version control from frontend and collect detail of log files
  • Approval request from frontend
  • Enhanced workflow
  • Display list of my contents from frontend
  • Edit content from frontend by editor or uppers
  • Author users edit their own articles configuration
  • Approve content from frontend by publishers
  • Version control
  • Can preview content version
  • Change permission of User to be Publisher by drop-down list or search by name/id
  • Notification setting can be set varies on each User Group or User id/name
  • Support ACL Manager for Joomla!®
  • Support custom fields by plugin content
  • Can view article history logs
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