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Time Worked for Joomla

Time Worked for Joomla 1.3.2

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 اگر سایت یا شرکتی دارید که قصد دارید گزارش کار ثبت کنید افزونه Time Worked for Joomla مناسب شماست. این افزونه هم برای ثبت گزارش کار جهت دیدن کارفرما به کار می رود. برای مثال شما می توانید در این افزونه یک کار مانند طراحی سایت تعریف کنید و هر روز پیشرفت کارتان را به آن اضافه کنید. یا اگر شرکتی دارید که تعدادی کارمند دارد که دورکاری میکنند می توانید با این افزونه گزارش کار آنها را ثبت و بررسی کنید.

نمایش ها 8,750 دانلودها 29
نسخه: 1.3.2 ايجاد شده
سيستم Joomla 3 به روز رسانی در 1397-12-24
وب سايت صفحه نخست external توسعه دهنده Giant Leap Lab external
مجوز GNU/GPL external قيمت 39 $ EUR

The com­po­nent can be used for any type of busi­ness where employ­ees are paid hourly and/​or clients are charged hourly. Just installing it into a plain Joomla will give you a great ready-​to-​use tool. We have spent a fair amount of time on pol­ish­ing every lit­tle detail and test­ing this soft­ware. We use it daily inside our team and improve it bas­ing on real life expe­ri­ence.


  • Con­ve­nient func­tion­al­ity for report­ing worked hours that includes a cal­en­dar with pre­vi­ously logged time.
  • Fil­ter that allows gen­er­at­ing reports by clients, projects, and employ­ers for a cer­tain period of time.
  • Abil­ity for the admin­is­tra­tor to reject reported time request­ing changes or mark reported items as not billable.
  • Abil­ity to add dif­fer­ent types of hours worked (over­time, week­end, etc.).
  • Recent reports sta­tis­tics per employee and per project (cur­rent week, last week, last month, etc.).
  • Export­ing reports into Excel.
  • Reports printer friendly version.
  • Leaves man­age­ment. Adding leaves by employ­ees, approv­ing by administrators. Notifications about approved, rejected, or requested leaves.
  • Auto­mated noti­fi­ca­tions for employ­ees about not sub­mit­ted reports.
  • IT indus­try spe­cific options (ticket IDs).
  • Sup­port of Joomla! user groups and permissions.
  • Plenty of nice options.

Chrome Browser plugin

The extension includes a browser plugin for quick reporting of time and reviewing recently reported time. You can install it from the Chrome Web Store absolutely free of charge:

time-worked-for-joomla-browser-plugin2 time-worked-for-joomla-dashboard3 time-worked-for-joomla-hours-report4 time-worked-for-joomla-leaves5 time-worked-for-joomla-notifications6
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