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JoomProject 4.2.3

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JoomProject is the best Joomla project management software for Joomla CMS with tons of features (milestones, tasks, files, calendar, discussions, timesheets, and much more...)

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نسخه: 4.2.3 ايجاد شده
سيستم Joomla 3 & 4 به روز رسانی در 1401-08-25
وب سايت صفحه نخست external توسعه دهنده JoomBoost external
مجوز GNU/GPL external قيمت 79 $ EUR

Main Features

  • Project dashboard
  • Unlimited projects management
  • Time-sensitive milestones
  • Lightweight task lists and todos
  • Project-specific documents
  • Timesheets
  • Group discussions
  • Many modules (Gantt chart, calendar, tasks list, time counter, time tracker ...)
  • User activities (Full integration with JoomActivities)

Project Management Features

  • Projects management from frontend and backend
  • Powerful filter to find projects quickly and easily
  • Assign project to a category
  • Modify start date and deadline
  • Assign multiple labels type (milestone, task, topic, directory, note, file and design)
  • Change labels style (default, success, important, warning, info , inverse)
  • Add files attachements from repository
  • Add more details to your project like description, website, phone, picture, email..
  • Assign custom colors to your project
  • Automatic linking of milestones, tasks, repository and discussions to the active project
  • Quick project select
  • Manage multiple group permissions in each project easily
  • Customisable dashboard view of project with modules

Milestone Management Features

  • Milestones management from backend and frontend
  • Powerful filter to find milestones quickly and easily
  • Add milestone description
  • Assign multiple labels
  • Manage multiple group permissions in every milestone easily
  • Attach milestone to project
  • Add files attachements from repository

Task & Task List Management Features

  • Task and task lists management from backend and frontend
  • Batch processing for tasks (copying and moving tasks accross projects)
  • Powerful filter to find tasks and task lists quickly and easily
  • Attach task to project, task list and milestone
  • Attach task list to project and milestone
  • Add task and task list description
  • Set task priority (very high, high, medium, low, very low)
  • Ability to mark task as completed
  • Modify start date and deadline
  • Add hourly rate price
  • Add estimated time required to complete task
  • Assign multiple users to task
  • Assign multiple labels
  • Ability to assign multiple dependencies
  • Add files attachements from repository
  • Manage multiple group permissions in every task and task list easily

Time Tracking Management Features

  • Time tracks management from backend and frontend
  • Powerful filter to find time tracks quickly and easily
  • Assign time track to project and task
  • Add time track description
  • Add log date and log time
  • Ability to mark time track as billable
  • Add hourly rate price
  • Manage multiple group permissions in every time track easily

Repository Management Features

  • Directories, files and notes management from backend and frontend
  • Powerful filter to find directories, files and notes quickly and easily
  • Ability to add directory to parent directory
  • Ability to add notes and files to directory
  • Add directory description and assign labels
  • Add note description and assign labels
  • Add file description and assign labels
  • Easy drag & drop files uploading
  • Batch processing feature to move and copy files/notes between folders
  • Manage multiple group permissions in every directory, file and note easily

Discussions Management Features

  • Topics management from backend and frontend
  • Powerful filter to find topics quickly and easily
  • Attach topic to project
  • Add topic description and assign labels
  • Attach repository files to topics and replies
  • Easy topic replies management from backend and frontend
  • Manage multiple group permissions in every topic easily
joomproject-add-new-repo2 joomproject-designs-management3 joomproject-forum-topic-reply4 joomproject-full-single-project-view5 joomproject-milestones-management6 joomproject-project-management7 joomproject-project-tasks-management8 joomproject-project-time-tracking-management9
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Mohammad Ahmad
Mohammad Ahmad
5 years ago
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Joomla! Share
5 years ago
سلام. لینک تصحیح شد. لینک جدید رو از منوی دانلودهای من دریافت کنید
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Mohammad Ahmad
Mohammad Ahmad
9 months ago
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