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TrackTime PRO

TrackTime PRO 3.1.6

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Tracktime is a tool for freelance developers.

Manage your customers and your projects efficiently.

Keep track of every change made, so that you can submit reports and justify the costs.

Thanks to the built-in timer, you'll never forget to write down an activity!

نمایش ها 5,289 دانلودها 11
نسخه: 3.1.6 ايجاد شده
سيستم Joomla 2.5 & 3 به روز رسانی در 1396-07-06
وب سايت صفحه نخست external توسعه دهنده Davide Tampellini external
مجوز GNU/GPL external قيمت 5 EUR

It has some useful features:

★ Extension repository
How many extensions do you have on your computer?
Did you really remember which project is using what and when you have to update?
Save them all on your site and get notifications everytime you have to update something!

★ Single use download link
Why upload your extension to your customer site, when you have an extension repository on your own (see above)?
Just create a disposable link and install that extension using Joomla built-in "Install from URL" feature!

★ Frontend customer access
Grant access to your customers and let them follow your activities.
No more "What did you do today?" calls!

★ Invoices
Tired of manually creating your invoices?
It would be awesome if you can issue invoices starting from the activity you have just saved.
Well, here it is!
By the way, we have deloped invoice plugins, so if you need any custom computation required by your country, let us know!

★ Agenda
What about a nice and fancy calendar to track down your appointments? Editing events is so simple: just drag them around!
By the way, you can add events for payments and incomes, so you'll never forget to call the customer for invoice payment.

★ Correspondence
What about creating your own letterhead and save your own correspondence? Instead of creating a new estimate everytime, you can simply edit a saved one..
Well, now you can!
Using the template system, you can define some templates for your outgoing documents.

★ Reports
Do you want to send all the access information regarding a project?
Do you want to send a summary of the activity done on a project?
Simply click on the button, the report will come out!
Every report is handled using templates: just create your custom HTML and inject the tokens, TrackTime will do the rest.

★ Remote log (experimental)
Simply install the Remote Track plugin on the customer site, set it up and then it will do the rest!
Everytime you logoff, Remote Track will submit the time spent on with your customer, for an easy and fast tracking

★ Frontend acces
You asked for it, we added it.
Now your co-workers can submit their activities from frontend, too

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