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RND Korder

RND Korder 2.1.3

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The Korder template for Kunena is a very light and cheerful sight, designed to act as a sort of counterpart to the classical black-and-white/grey designs like KElegant. It is perfect for semiprofessional forum or a discussion club but, thanks to its customization ability and simple design, is not limited only to that.

The Korder features green as its major color, with classical black-and-white scheme for text fields. Korder is a next thing to a simple, yet extremely efficient forum template that makes you actually see the content of the forum instead of its decorations.

نمایش ها 3,609 دانلودها 0
نسخه: 2.1.3 ايجاد شده
سيستم Joomla 3 به روز رسانی در 1398-06-19
وب سايت صفحه نخست external توسعه دهنده RoundTheme external
مجوز GNU/GPL external قيمت 15 € EUR

Easy Customize

Due to extremely powerful and easy to use Kunena customization engine, all of our templates have been handcrafted to perfection and are still available for you to add your own personal touch.

HTML 5 and CSS 3

These two standards provided us with very flexible and stable foundation for our templates and then our designers pushed them to their limits for both style and availabilities.

Quick Start

Thanks to Joomla, all of our templates had been able to become very easy to install and configure, which lets anyone, no matter their experience with web-design, install and configure them.

Responsive Layout

All of templates on this website are created to be responsive and completely usable on any resolution that is higher than QVGA, which lets our customers not to waste their resources on mobile versions.

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