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Excel2JS 3.1.6

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Excel2JS is an advanced import and export of goods from Excel, YML and VK to JoomShopping. This component will make it easier to manage the store based on the JoomShopping component (Joomla 2.5.6 - 3.9). With it, you can fill the store using directly Excel price lists or supplier YML files.

نمایش ها 5,399 دانلودها 2
نسخه: 3.1.6 ايجاد شده
سيستم Joomla 3 به روز رسانی در 1398-07-27
وب سايت صفحه نخست external توسعه دهنده PHP-Programmist external
مجوز GNU/GPL external قيمت 30 $ EUR

More is not necessary to convert the price lists of the format xls ( xlsx ) in a CSV (but the component has the ability to import and CSV-format along with Excel). You can also export goods to YML-file , which can be downloaded on Yandex.market.

Promote products store in groups of social network Vkontakte (VK Market) using the new export products from JoomShopping in the VC Market.

Excel2JS (import component / export) - is also a powerful tool for working with the characteristics and attributes of goods (ie, for which he is so fond JoomShopping). Prices dependent on a combination of attributes are imported and exported in the individual cells that make it easy to apply to them the conversion formulas to import the new prices back.

The component can also create your online store a tree hierarchy of categories with unlimited nesting levels. To do this, you must mark the category to their component arranged respectively. There are several ways of marking to set the correspondence between the categories in relation to each other and to the goods - a complex numbered lists (in a cell with the name of the category or separate); marking the names of categories special symbols (either before or after the name); specify the ID or the name of the category in each row of the goods ; search for the appropriate category on the coincidence of words in the names of products and categories; group lines by means of Excel (hierarchical lists).

Excel2JS has a very flexible and convenient system settings to fit your specific Excel-price - you just need to drag and drop column headings to select those that are present in your xls-file with, and ask them to correct the order, which would be consistent with your price list.

Also included is the ability to automatically create a backup of the master tables JoomShopping (products, categories, attributes) before each import. So you can always go back to a previous state stores in a single click.

Key features:

  • Create / update of the goods specified in the price Excel (.xls or .xlsx) or csv-file.
  • Update catalog by product code, product name or ID.
  • Exports of goods in the Excel-file or CSV.
  • Import of schedule from a specific search folder (or a specified file from the link on another site) - allows you to fully automate the daily update of prices and the remnants of the goods, if you upload a price of your stock program (1C or others.) Into a specific folder on your site.
  • You can create multiple sets of settings (profiles)
  • Create a "wood" categories and placing it in the relevant goods
  • Supports import of goods to several categories
  • Batch creation of thumbnail images of the goods (miniatures)
  • Import images that are inserted in the price
  • Download and convert images on a link from another site
  • Comfortable work (import and export) with attributes of goods (dependent, independent and free) and characteristics. For each attribute / characteristics is given a separate column.
  • You can create sets of dependent attributes options under the "everyone to everyone."
  • There is support for import / export of related products (by Product ID or product code)
  • It is possible to shoot with the publication of the goods that are not in the price
  • It is possible to "zero out" the amount of goods that are not in the price
  • Manual and automatic backup of the main store tables
  • Flexible configuration options of import of goods with the help of user-friendly interface on the ajax (JQuery UI)
  • Support of Yandex.Market - You can create YML-files for download on Yandex.market and import goods from suppliers YML-files.
  • Support VC Market - now available, exports of goods from JoomShopping in the group Vkontakte. From the admin is now also possible to control group VC products.
excel2js-configs2 excel2js-export3 excel2js-import4
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