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JS Like To Download

JS Like To Download 1.1

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JS Like to Download allows you to turn the Like Button into a social media traffic blasting download button. This unique plugin and idea is an all new way to give your users their content, and increase your social traffic ten fold.

نمایش ها 4,756 دانلودها 3
نسخه: 1.1 ايجاد شده
سيستم Joomla 3 به روز رسانی در 1402-07-25
توسعه دهنده JS Network Solutions
مجوز GNU/GPL external قيمت 25 € EUR


  • Insert multiple lockers per post / page, can be used anywhere shortcodes work in your site!
  • Cookies keep track of users that already clicked like for each download link.
  • Comes with admin panel to customize the Facebook API Locale and button appearance.
  • Supports ALL Facebook API locales – Just enter whichever one you want to use!
  • Comes with seven themes – red, green, blue, grey, yellow, orange, pink
  • Includes download script sample like the one used in the demo!
  • Includes full documentation and instructions on how to use!
  • Great For…

JS Like to Download is great for all kinds of uses! They are endless.

  • Plus to download free design resources like icons, PSD templates, etc.
  • eBook downloads.
  • Video and audio downloads.
  • App downloads.
  • Tutorial downloads.
  • Shareware sites.
  • Wallpaper sites.
  • Literally any kind of content!

Activate the plugin:

  • {liketodownloadnumber colorscheme="green" likeurl="http://facebook.com/your_page" downloadurl="http://yourdomain.com/sample.zip"}



  • the most basic for this is: (downloadurl="...") {liketodownload1 downloadurl="http://domain/joomla_black.zip"}
  • Using custom Like Url: (likeurl="...") {liketodownload2 likeurl="http://domain.com" downloadurl="http://facebook.com/your_page"}
  • Using custom Like color: (likecolorscheme="Green/Red/Grey/Blue/Pink/Yellow/Orange") {liketodownload3 likecolorscheme="green" downloadurl="http://domain.com/joomla_black.zip"}
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