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Compare for K2

Compare for K2 1.2.1b

(0 رای)

Compare for K2 is component for Joomla! that fine tunes K2 extension in a magnificent way, if you are building a catalog, web shop etc.

نمایش ها 5,057 دانلودها 3
نسخه: 1.2.1b ايجاد شده
سيستم Joomla 2.5 & 3 به روز رسانی در 1396-11-19
وب سايت صفحه نخست external توسعه دهنده StyleWare external
مجوز GNU/GPL external 0 EUR

Compare for K2 allows the users of your web site to compare K2 items, based on their extra fields. You can add weight to each in order to give them score.

Yes, the extension not only allows the users to compare, but also has the option to score for each option that is available in the extra fields.
For example, you can make a comparison of cars, by comparing two cars, there will be a list of all extras available for each. These will be listed next to each other.

You may decide to add coefficient for each extra and that way calculate which car has higher score. Example of this is giving 4 points for automatic transmission and 1 point for manual. When the user compares both, based on each car score, it will show that the one with automatic transmission has higher score and therefore will be rated as "Best".
You may set limit for the maximum number of items to compare, which fields to display, if to display custom data as author, rating, date created etc.

With Compare for K2 you can create unique catalog or online store.

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