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Fade Container

Fade Container 1.5

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Fade and Slide Container is a easy to use module that pulls articles from your selected category and fade or slide the articles. You can add into image and introtext to fade. The full article will show up inside a popup when the title or read more link is clicked.

نمایش ها 4,086 دانلودها 1
نسخه: 1.5 ايجاد شده
سيستم Joomla 1.5 & 2.5 & 3 به روز رسانی در 1396-09-17
وب سايت صفحه نخست external توسعه دهنده Infyways Solutions external
مجوز GNU/GPL external قيمت 5 EUR
  • Fade anything which are inside the Joomla article - Content, Images, iframe, Videos
  • Slide or Fade Transitions Effects
  • Ability to pull articles and images from a selected category/section.(K2 not Supported)
  • Parameters to Re-size the Height and Width of the container
  • Control the speed and time out
  • Show/Hide Read More button and title.
  • Shorten the display characters.
  • Ability to define the number of articles.
  • Random or Sequential Mode
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