
ثبت نام


onisMusic 2.5.3

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Submit songs

Users can submit a defined number or unlimited songs to different genres.

Nested genres

Unlimited nested genres can help your users to organize songs in a better way.


Users can select or add one album for the submitted song. Each album has his own page.


Users can select or add one artist for the submitted song. Each artist has his own page.


Users can create their own playlists choosing the songs they want for it.

Folder scan

Import songs with one click. Using ID3 metadata, create albums, artists or genres automaticly.

HTML5 Player

Easily customizable player that works well with all browsers and mobile devices.


Users can comment, rate, favorite, view statistics or share petitions.


Administrators can promote petitions which will be displayed on top of the page.


With the provided module you can display albums, artists, genres, playlists or songs with different ordering options.


You can define if you want to review submitted items before publishing them.


Users can report items if they believe that it should be unpublished.


Define permissions for each user group for different actions.


Built beautiful inside and out to adapt and to work like a charm on every device.

نمایش ها 5,190 دانلودها 7
نسخه: 2.5.3 ايجاد شده
سيستم Joomla 3 به روز رسانی در 1397-10-19
وب سايت صفحه نخست external توسعه دهنده Bogdan external
مجوز GNU/GPL external قيمت 63 € EUR
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فقط کاربران عضو سایت پس از ورود به سایت قادر به دانلود این فایل می باشند.

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