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GK Quark

Quark represents an evolution in Joomla 3 templates, offering quick-switch styles that let you swap out different looks for your website in record time, with each style bringing new features, functionality and visuals that work in tandem to provide a spectacular user experience. From dining to ecommerce, events to business promotion and many more besides, Quark is the ultimate starting point for the website of your dreams. What's more, as well as new styles being released regularly there's also a host of extra pages, options and other bonuses to get things off the in minutes and let you customize to your heart's content.

Expert design creates an effective service or tech landing page

Great innovative tech and services need a website to match. Your image plays a huge part in success, and with Quark you can make a massive impact on your patrons' perceptions with professional clean layouts. Highlight your devices innovative elements with an elegant slideshow, use photography to impress your core values with parallax scrolling and overlaid text, and frequent links can direct users to find out more about what you can provide at every step of their site visit.

Deliver multimedia content in a unique, eye-catching way

Your potential customers need to know what you're about at a glance; with more competition than ever any delay can cause them to give up and move on. The base Quark style comes packed with features to help you make an immediate impression; video blocks that blend effortlessly with the template design and full-width tab content that boasts a range of custom layouts provided by our Tabs module with options for display any module content you desire, from simple text to complex showcases. Every area of your landing page can be as beautiful and enthralling as the last.

Expand and promote your social reach with social counters and team pages

You know you're popular, and you want your clients to know too. The core Quark design includes modifiable social media counters that emphasise your online clout so visitors know you're knowledgeable and trusted. Push for stronger client/provider relationships with an expansive "Our Team" page that's loaded with ways to introduce your company's team and philisophy, including client logos, animated employee profiles and work counters that show off your successes.

quark-default-theme2 quark-restraurant-style3 quark-store-style4
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ben dieckman
ben dieckman
4 years ago
Be aware that the version is 1.2.07 and not 1.2.7
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Joomla! Share
Joomla! Share
4 years ago
Hi, version is 1.27 : https://www.joomlart.com/member/downloads/gavick/joomla-templates/quark
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