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No Boss Banners Pro

Display in your website attractive banners containing images, colors and texts with no need of advanced knowledge in design. Choose between options of carousel with slider, parallax image or full page generating engagement from your visitors with more relevant content.

Customization by item

Customize each single item created in the banner.

Overlap image

Display, besides texts and buttons, an overlap image to the banner.

Content position

Set the display location of texts, buttons and overlap images.


Start with a ready to use theme that most adapts to your needs.


Obtain great results in mobile and desktop with settings by screen resolution.

Unlimited items

Do more in your site creating as many records as you want.

Infinite possibilities

Customize the layout editing fonts, colors, backgrounds, spacings and much more.

Constant updates

Get access to the release of new themes and resources.

Performance and security

Use an extension developed and tested within performance and security requirements.

SEO and acessibility

Make use of scripts developed and tested to be accessible and optimized to search engines.

Qualified support

Be served by a support team with more than ten years experience in Joomla.

And much more!

Set touch screen options, gradient colors, auto play, image filters, among others.

Only registered and logged in users can download this file.


1 week ago
Please update to No Boss Banners Pro 1.1.7.
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