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AJAX Register

AJAX Register 4.1.7

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AJAX Register gives your Joomla site a better user experience for registration through inline field validation, also allowing you to extend your registration form with unlimited number of custom fields saved under each user profile.

AJAX Register will validate all required fields as you type presenting inline error messages. It will asynchronously check for username and email availability without page refresh so the user will not need to type all fields again should the username or email be already taken.

You can create additional text or text area input fields or even radio buttons, select lists or check boxes with unlimited number of options, upload fields for images and documents which allows you to require additional information on registration that is perfectly fit for just your site.

Besides giving a better user experience, AJAX Register will also eliminate spammers via several types of CAPTCHA options.

It also features auto-login after successful registration, custom redirection URLs, Email as Username option, automatic password generation, selectable user group and multiple forms to register users into different user groups, each group with different custom fields for registration.

AJAX Register will seamlessly override Joomla's own registration component, you won't even notice it's there. Just install it and you already have the new, AJAX based account registration. But would you need to customise it, you will find different configuration options in admin, with powerful layout and translation possibilities.

Views 2,501 Downloads 16
Version 4.1.7 Created
System Joomla 3 & 4 Changed 2024-06-21
Website JED external Developer Emir Sakic external
License GNU/GPL external Price 20 € EUR
  • AJAX technology, making the registration process quick and user friendly
  • Seamless integration overriding the core registration component
  • Easy installation, no additional settings required, no core hacks
  • Native MVC structure
  • Add unlimited custom fields for registration
  • On-the-fly field validation as you type
  • Asynchronous check for username and email availability
  • Live password strength check
  • Error messages and information inline presentation
  • Redirection options after successful registration and email confirmation, to referrer or custom URL
  • Possibility to turn system messages on and off
  • Option for auto-login after successful registration and account activation
  • Built-in CAPTCHA, reCAPTCHA (v1/v2), Honeypot, custom questions with asynchronous validation
  • Extra field types: text field, textarea, select list, checkboxes, radio buttons, links, file upload, info text
  • Auto-generated fields supporting patterns for User ID or random number or string
  • Unlimited number of options for multi-select fields
  • Conditional fields, set custom dependency for each field
  • Allow user to select user group(s) to be registered into, choose available groups
  • Create multiple registration forms to register users to different groups
  • Possibility to have different extra fields for different registration forms
  • Custom redirect options for different registration forms
  • Email extra fields values after each registration to administrators
  • Option to use Email as Username
  • Optional automatic password generation on registration
  • Option to separate First Name and Last Name on registration
  • Username blocks, words censor
  • IP filters, whitelist/blacklist, ranges and wildcards supported
  • Backend administration with customization settings
  • Custom fields info available with user profile and user manager
  • Users CSV export with custom fields info
  • ACL permissions for backend
  • Automatic one-click updates
  • Multi-language support, simple translation
  • Templates for easy layout editing
  • CSS styling
ajax-register-export2 ajax-register-config3 ajax-register-admin-field4 ajax-register-admin-list5 ajax-register-extra-fields6 ajax-register-validation7
Only registered and logged in users can download this file.


1 month ago
Please update to AJAX Register 4.1.8.
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