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4AI Pro

4AI Pro

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4AI is a state-of-the art Joomla extension that gives you an always-on AI-powered assistant to create and revise the content of your website.

Powered by the API behind the well-known ChatGPT system, it's always available, backend or frontend, at the click of an icon or through a convenient keyboard shortcut.

It's integrated into Joomla so that you can create a new article or product description, a translation, spell/check, title, description, tweet, Facebook posts in seconds, or just chat freely without opening a new tab.

Joomla 4, Joomla 3, frontend or admin: this small icon is always there for you!

Views 2,399 Downloads 50
Version Created
System Joomla 3 & 4 Changed 2024-03-27
Website JED external Developer Weeblr external
Price 69 € EUR

4AI is our latest extension. It takes advantage of recently available technologies to help you create and transform your Joomla website content quickly, easily and in ways that were not possible just a few months ago.

Get an outline for a new article. Write a product description by providing only basic information. 

Get the text of a new article in seconds, complete with a title, meta description. Save that text as a new Joomla article, in a category of your choice from one screen, with one click.

Translate an existing article to another language. Save it as a new article, automatically associated with the original one. In one click, from one screen with all formatting preserved.

Get a Facebook post or few suggested tweets for your blog post or product. Or a tweet threads, ready to tweet. Tweet directly from 4AI, with just a click.

Extract keywords, get related keywords or hashtags to feed your SEO reseach and linking efforts.

Or just chat directly with the AI, and copy/paste questions, responses or an entire discussion with just a click.

4ai-dashboard2 4ai-create-tab-save-response-new-article3 4ai-create-tab-with-more-options4
Only registered and logged in users can download this file.


4 months ago
Pls update to the latest version. Thanks a lot.
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