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Flexible Dropdown Shopping Cart for Virtuemart

Flexible Dropdown Shopping Cart for Virtuemart 3.0.0

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Flexible Dropdown Shopping Cart module comes with 3 different theme. You can easily select a theme from the module parameters and go with that module. It is that easy!

Views 5,807 Downloads 21
Version 3.0.0 Created
System Joomla 2.5 & 3 Changed 2021-01-03
Website JED external Developer Flexible Web Design external
License GNU/GPL external Price 19 $ EUR

Ajax Dropdown Shopping Cart for Virtuemart

Comes with 3 different style-themes. Pick one that you like the most.

Easily customize it with user-friendly parameters. No need to be coder!

You don't need to be coder to customize it. Just pick a theme that you are wiling to go with and then adjust the settings via Module Parameters

User-Friendly module parameters

Everything is all set and ready to go for you.

It is Multi-Languages and Multi-Currencies, out of the box!

Our Dropdown Shopping cart will use what ever language or currency your Virtuemart uses. Everything will be automatic. Just translate your Virtuemart Component to your native language and apply the currency. Then everything will be set in terms of our Dropdown Shopping Cart.

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