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ProJoom Multi Rotator

ProJoom Multi Rotator 3.1.5

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Bring your Joomla website to life! jQuery based extension and responsive, ProJoom Multi Rotator is compatible with all major browsers and devices (iOS / Android, etc), will animate your website and please the user with a bit more motion while making your banners look better.

Views 8,840 Downloads 17
Version 3.1.5 Created
System Joomla 1.5 & 2.5 & 3 Changed 2023-09-19
Developer ProJoom
License GNU/GPL external Price 19.99 $ EUR

Rotate banners and get more clients or rotate simple pictures, this is the choice for another cool add-on to complete your nice website. You can rotate jpg, gif, png and even flash animations.

The URL can be set to open in a new window or in the same window. It can also be deactivated if you only want to rotate simple pictures, without a link.

Version 3 is here with exclusive features!

The new added features makes it smarter, more powerful and easier to work with than any other banner management extension for Joomla!.

You can set your own width and height, add Blur Effect for the transition, change the speed, set an ease type and a movement direction. Show different group of banners to new vs returning visitors.

You can schedule (by date and time) your individual banners or even multiple categories of banners created with the default Joomla Banners, with a nice date picker.

There is no browser/device limitation. Your images/banners will look cool on any PC or tablet, any browser and YES! on iPhones, iPads and iPods or other mobile devices.

Main features at a glance:

  • based on jQuery
  • It can track clicks and impressions (flash banners can be tracked too!);
  • You can mix banners from Joomla Banner component with the banners created inside the module;
  • You can rotate Text Ads, other HTML content and mix content (images/text);
  • Supports banners from Joomla Banner component with custom code and SEPARATE delay for each banner!
  • You can publish unlimited instances on a single page or across the website, each with a different set of banners;
  • Supports custom code and remote banners
  • Supports Google AdSense !
  • Banners can be scheduled by date and time;
  • It can load remote images using CURL;
  • Each image/banner can point to a different website or one of your other pages;
  • Responsive Design ready!
  • You can set a different delay for each image or banner;
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