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OL News Post

News post Responsive Joomla Module - display articles or custom items in carousel.

News post module has six different styles

Style - six different style to chose

Load - Articles or Custom items

Articles settings

  • Items limit (at your choice )
  • Image Type - Intro/ Fulltext / Inline
  • Source - Categories
  • Tag Filtering Type
  • Author Filtering Type
  • Author Alias Filtering Type
  • Date Filtering
  • Featured Articles - Show / Hide / Only featured
  • Articles to be ordered by - Hits / Title / Id / Tags / Date / Articles Managed Order
  • Ordering Direction - Ascending / Descending

Custom items Settings

  • Image
  • Title
  • Text info
  • Read more Link
  • Open link in new Window ( Yes / No )

Carousel Settings

  • Sliding Time
  • Auto play (Yes/No)
  • Show arrows (Yes/No)
  • Arrows style (top/bottom/center)
  • Item distance
  • Font awesome (Yes/No)
  • Show next previous items (Yes/No)
Only registered and logged in users can download this file.


8 months ago
Could you please update?
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4 months ago
Will there be a new update?
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