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File Listing for DOCman

File Listing for DOCman 2.7.9

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This plugin provides a simple way for users to create a tabular list of file links given one or more DOCman Category IDs.

Views 5,239 Downloads 5
Version 2.7.9 Created
System Joomla 1.5 & 2.5 & 3 Changed 2016-08-31
Website JED external Developer Omar E Ramos external
License GNU/GPL external Price 5 EUR

DOCman is a fantastic component, so why not make it even more useful for your site?

Something that many users may want to do is display your list of files outside of the DOCman component.

Sure the DOClink plugin allows you to link to DOCman documents, but it doesn't really allow you to list your documents automatically within your content items.

That's where the DOCman File Listing Content Plugin comes in to save the day!


  • Display files from a single category -
  • Display files from multiple categories (with pipe separators) -
  • Display files from subcategories up to a specified depth - ...this translates into "get subcategories and files up to 3 levels deep from category 37"
  • Display files from subcategories up to a specified depth and exclude certain category titles (with colon separator) -
  • Each table created is sortable!
  • Uses DOCman's built-in access controls!
  • Pretty icons and default styling!
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