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Buy User Points with Virtuemart

Buy User Points with Virtuemart 1.3

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This plugin allows you to sell user points (AlphaUserPoints , EasySocial or Jomsocial Points ) in Virtuemart and automatically deliver purchased points to Virtuemart Customers. Administrator must create a Virtuemart category dedicated for points packages, then create points package products taking the points-currency ration in considaration when setting the price. For example if you have a ration of 100, 1€ worths 100 points then you can create a package of 1000 points and sell it 10€. Set the ration here and the plugin will find out how many points to deliver according to the package price and quantity. Points are credited when the order status is set to Confirmed. Points credit is canceled and points are deducted when order status is set to Refunded or Canceled.

Views 5,900 Downloads 20
Version 1.3 Created
System Joomla 3 Changed 2020-12-14
Website JED external Developer Nordmograph external
License GNU/GPL external Price 25 € EUR
Only registered and logged in users can download this file.

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