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Profile Pro for JomSocial

Profile Pro for JomSocial 3.5.0

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JomSocial Profile Pro brings the endless power in customizing JomSocial user profiles. It lets you create profile layout directly in your favourite WYSIWYG editor.

Views 5,427 Downloads 9
Version 3.5.0 Created
System Joomla 2.5 & 3 Changed 2020-01-21
Website JED external Developer Joomduck external
License GNU/GPL external Price 24.90 € EUR

You can set absolutely different and unique design of profile for different users. It also integrates with native JomSocial profile types, automatically assigning profile page design depending on user profile type.

With JomSocial Profile Pro you can also:

  • Insert any PHP/HTML/Javascript code on JomSocial profile easily.
  • Control access to JomSocial field, profile element (like avatar, activity stream, etc.), or any HTML/PHP code, displaying them depending on user access level, group, profile type and other parameters.
  • Display JomSocial field, profile element (like avatar, activity stream, etc.), or any HTML/PHP code conditionally, depending on user's field value. E.g. show activity stream if user selects "Yes" in "Show activity stream?" field.
  • Divide profile page into several pages.
  • Insert customizable jQuery UI tabs (featuring several pre-installed themes and options like sortable, collapsible, open on mouseover and remembering last visited tab).
  • Put Joomla! modules, javascript tooltips, modal window links.
  • Use Joomla! content plugins on JomSocial profile page (a great number of plugins, like slideshows, maps, comment systems and others can now be used on JomSocial profile).
Only registered and logged in users can download this file.

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